Authorized Protocols for Agent Events

Guide to Applying Invitation Codes on 92 Jeeto
If you’re seeking guidance on how to sign up and create an account on 92 Jeeto, you’re in the right place. With everything prepared, it should take no longer than four minutes to complete the process. Below, you’ll find a step-by-step guide to registration.
To make the process faster, we’ve provided an invite code along with an integrated registration form. Once you’ve reviewed the instructions, dive in and start playing for a chance to win exciting rewards!
Complete Your Registration
IMPORTANT: You can sign up directly using the embedded registration form provided above.

Invitation Code for 92 Jeeto
INVITE CODE : 65262105359
Use this invitation code to access VIP events offering incredible prizes like cars, gold, diamonds, and much more!
Step-by-step to Login on 92 Jeeto Guide
- Enter your registered account number, starting with (+92), on 92Jeeto.
- Input your password. Ensure it includes a combination of uppercase and lowercase letters, as well as numbers, for security.
- Click “Log In” to access your 92Jeeto account.
IMPORTANT: If you haven’t signed up yet, please complete your registration here.
Click this button to access the official registration site
- Enter your phone number, including the country code (+92), in the provided field to begin the registration process for 92Jeeto.
- Create a secure password in the “Set Password” field.
- Ensure it includes at least one uppercase letter, one lowercase letter, and numbers (e.g., “Abcd1234”).
- Re-enter your chosen password in the “Confirm Password” field to verify it.
- Input the referral code given by the person who referred you. If you don’t have one, search for “92 Jeeto” online or use the official invite code provided.
INVITE CODE : 65262105359